Herd Share project configuration with team members

Herd: Share project configuration with team members

Laravel Herd is awesome for solo developers but with the new update it’s even cooler including amazing features one of which is sharing your project configuration and services with your team members so that they are running the correct versions of services on the right port number. Working solo on a project most of the

Cache::flexible() method of Laravel

Cache::flexible(): Best way to cache in Laravel

Caching large set of data that has been computed before is always a good idea to make your website faster and one of the most common things we as developer do is using the remember() method of Cache class, but there are some problems with this approach that Laravel fixed. In this post, we will

defer() function in laravel

defer() function in Laravel

The new defer() function in Laravel can be really useful when you need to perform an action that the user does not care about or don’t want to wait for it. This can be useful when you are logging user interactions in an analytical database that takes a couple milliseconds or even seconds but you